04 Phase Free as a measure for adapting to climate change

Participation by everyone in a natural way is the quickest way we can adapt to climate change.
Thus far, to combat climate change, we have been focusing on mitigation measures which involve initiatives to stem the progression of warming. Typical examples of this approach consist of the use of renewable energy sources, reforestation, and the promotion of energy-saving household appliances and fuel-efficient automobiles that emit low amounts of exhaust. These many different initiatives are being adopted not just by governments, but also by companies and the general public worldwide.
At the same time, examples of adaptation measures to prevent damage include embankments to protect against flooding, greening to address the heat-island effect, the development of crop varieties that can still grow at high temperatures, and dams to prepare for water shortages. Most of these are being implemented as crisis-management measures by governments or public bodies, or as social-contribution projects by some private-sector companies. While these initiatives have helped prevent considerable damage, measures to address the wide range of climate change impacts are still inadequate. Many lives and livelihoods will continue to be lost. The substantial damage caused by climate change is spreading beyond national and regional borders. We need to work on solving this problem at both individual and societal levels.
But this is not a simple matter because it is quite difficult to convince not just countries and companies, but also individuals, to proactively spend money, time, and efforts to prepare for damages that has not yet occurred. The smart way to overcome this hurdle is to find ways in which we could naturally participate in measures that adapt to climate change in our daily lives. Naturally help prevent damage by simply living each day with joy and vitality - this is likely the quickest way to adapt to climate change.
The problems we are
all responsible for
can only be solved
if we all do our part.

Reasonable, efficient, and smart ways of adapting to climate change in our daily lives.
That is the Phase Free concept.
Generally speaking, we tend to prioritize our daily lives and put off preparing for an uncertain future. In addition, any effort we make to prepare will be limited to what is minimally needed (unless we can afford to do more) and will thus be insufficient. This is why we find it so hard to make progress when it comes to preparing. In this context, there is a highly effective and important concept that allows all of us to naturally participate in adaptation measures. This is the 'Phase Free' concept.
The Phase Free concept is all about designing products and services to enrich our daily lives and protect our livelihoods and lives in irregular situations. In other words, it consists of smart ways that prevent future damages from occurring, while utilizing the values found in our everyday lives instead of having to incur additional costs. With the Phase Free concept, the products and services you normally use in your daily lives can help prevent all sorts of damage and this approach makes it possible to naturally adapt to climate change.
To be useful at any time
is what helps us to adapt.